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School Schedule

The school schedule begins with a general assembly at 8.00 AM and wrap-up with National Anthem at 4.30 PM.

Students of every class and section get an opportunity to participate/perform in the assembly activities to improve their organizing and presentation skills.

Games and sports are compulsory everyday – this is the special feature of the school.

Arts, Craft, Music, Dance, OCT (Our Culture and Tradition), Library and Computer classes are other regular activities.

In the House system, all students are classified into four groups named after four Vedas. Inter-house competitions  are conducted regularly in various co-scholastic, co-curricular, extra-curricular and subject enrichment areas.

National festivals and events are celebrated to develop patriotic feelings and religious festivals are observed to impart cultural and traditional values as well as to inculcate secular feelings in the children.

The School’s Mission statement for the current year is to strengthen the basic mathematical concepts and operational speed along with communication skills among the students from First grade onward, using smart Board. The school has prepared several worksheets related to the four operations of Arithmetic, individually as well as with different combinations and difficulty levels to identify the learning gaps among the students of all the classes. Initially students’ level of knowledge was identified and later the skill was observed by giving them different worksheets which are time bound and some of them with unlimited time. This helped the Teachers to assess and estimate the speed and perfection of the skill. This program was conducted under the supervision of the Teachers with 1:10 teacher student ratio which helped the students to realize their mistakes and rectify them.

The School has been  conducting Business Fair every year in January for the last three years. This activity helps the students to reveal their innate talents, like communication, business skill, innovation etc.  The best team of young entrepreneurs is felicitated. Criteria like Customer satisfaction and ethics, cash less operation, maintenance of the bill books are given the utmost importance for the selection.

Saranya Concept School is a CBSE nodal center for the analysis of EOA.


Assembly Schedule
            Class wise assembly activities will be conducted for students from Monday to Saturday From: 08:00 a.m. to 08:20 a.m.

Monday to Thursday         –     Assembly in English
Friday                               –     Assembly in Telugu
Saturday                          –      Assembly in Hindi
The activities include
(a)   Prayer                           
(b)   National Song                
(c)   Pledge                           
(d)   Birthday Song
(e)   Monday            :  Thought for the week
(f)   Tuesday            :  Quiz in G.K/ any Subject
(g)   Wednesday      :  Speech / Debate / Importance of the day
(h)   Thursday          :  News Weekly round up
(i)    Friday               :  School Pledge
(j)    Saturday          :   Amazing facts / Patriotic song  (Friday)

Exam Schedule

Evaluation – I                                   19-08-2024    to   31-08-2024
Evaluation – II                                   25-11-2024     to   07-12-2024
Evaluation – III                                24-02-2025   to   05-03-2025

Periodic Test – I                                 19-08-2024    to   31-08-2024
Periodic Test – II                               25-11-2024     to  07-12-2024
Periodic Test – III                             24-02-2025      to  05-03-2025


Periodic Test – I                                 22-07-2024    to   03-08-2024
Periodic Test – II                               14-10-2024     to  26-10-2024
Periodic Test – III                             23-12-2024      to  01-01-2025


Kindergarten Classes
My paint – my color                                11-07-2024(Thursday)     
Obstacle race                                           29-08-2024(Thursday)

Drawing                                                    06-09-2024 (Friday)
Fancy Dress(National Leaders)           01-10-2024 (Tuesday)

Poems/Rhymes                                       14-11-2024 (Thursday)
Sloka Recitation                                      21-12-2024 (Saturday)

Running                                                    08-01-2025(Wednesday)

I – II Classes

Picture Puzzle                                          11-07-2024(Thursday)
Games(lemon and spoon/sack race)   29-08-2024(Thursday)
Clay Modelling                                        06-09-2024 (Friday)
Spelling Be                                           01-10-2024 (Tuesday)
Getting Ready to School                    14-11-2024 (Thursday)
Story Telling with puppet                  21-12-2024 (Saturday)

Greeting card designing                     08-01-2025(Wednesday)

Sub-Juniors III – V Classes

Pledge Meaning                                  11-07-2024(Thursday)
Skit(Independence day)                     29-08-2024(Thursday)
Spelling Bee                                          06-09-2024 (Friday)
Kitchen king/Chota Chef                                          01-10-2024 (Tuesday)
Mono Act(any character)                                           14-11-2024 (Thursday)
M-ART                                                             21-12-2024 (Saturday)

Dance(Pongal Theme)                        08-01-2025(Wednesday)

Juniors – VI – VII classes
Elocution                                    11-07-2024(Thursday)
Clay Molding                                    29-08-2024(Thursday)
PPT or Video(on a given topic)              06-09-2024 (Friday)
Poster Making                                    01-10-2024 (Tuesday)
Best out of waste                                14-11-2024 (Thursday)
Map Quiz                                    21-12-2024 (Saturday)

Seniors – VIII – X classes

Elocution                                    11-07-2024(Thursday)
Social Quiz                                    29-08-2024(Thursday)
Telugu Debate/Quiz                          06-09-2024 (Friday)

Short Film                                    01-10-2024 (Tuesday)
Art & Craft                                14-11-2024 (Thursday)
Science & Maths Quiz                            21-12-2024 (Saturday)



Parent – Teacher meeting schedule for Primary Classes

                                                        PTM-01                               PTM-02
 Class I                                          16-09-2024                               16-12-2024
 Class II                                        17-09-2024                                17-12-2024
 Class III                                      18-09-2024                                18-12-2024
 Class IV                                       19-09-2024                                19-12-2024
 Class V                                         20-09-2024                               20-12-2024

Parent – Teacher Meeting Schedule for High School Classes
                                                         PTM-01                               PTM-02
Class VI                                        16-09-2024                               16-12-2024
Class VII                                      17-09-2024                                17-12-2024
Class VIII                                    18-09-2024                                18-12-2024
Class IX                                       19-09-2024                                19-12-2024
Class X                                         19-08-2024 to 24-09-2024                04-11-2024 to 08-11-2024

Class XI                                       21-09-2024                               21-12-2024

Class XII                                       19-08-2024 to 23-08-2024                04-11-2024 to 08-11-2024


Note : The Parent -Teacher Meeting is between 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. according to the given schedule. All the dates are tentative and are subjected to change according to the prevailing conditions. Prior intimation will be given in case of any change. For Classes IX and X, information of specific date will be given to the parents in advance.

Regular visiting Hours : Monday – Saturday 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. with Prior appointment

Second Saturday is a holiday